Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to Neptune DXP
    • Introduction
    • Cockpit Tool overview (Blog)
    • Runtime Overview - Video
    • Runtime Overview
    • The Open UI5 Framework - Video
    • The Open UI5 Framework
    • The Neptune Ecosystem
    • Community Blogs and Posts
    • Users - DXP Developers compared to End Users
    • Extra Details - Evaluation Guides
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 2
    Setup, Overview, Development Package & Marketplace Essentials
    • Introduction and setup your instance
    • MacOS - How to run a local copy of the Neptune Open Edition
    • Platform Versioning
    • First look - How to navigate the Developer Cockpit
    • Development Package Introduction
    • Creating and adding artifacts to a Development Package
    • Cockpit Buttons: Add - Edit - Display - Save - Delete
    • Marketplace Introduction
    • Downloading products from the Marketpalce & inspecting the packages
    • Download/Update required products from the Marketplace
    • Top tip - Action button placement
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 3
    Launchpad, Tile and Tile Group Basics
    • Launchpad Documentation
    • What is a Launchpad?
    • Launchpad Update Cycle
    • What are Tiles and Tile Groups
    • DXP Demo - Launchpad example
    • DXP Demo - Advantages
    • Exercise: Creating your own basic Launchpad with a Tile Group and two Tiles
    • Highlight - Tile button setting
    • Changing the name of your Launchpad - Implications
    • Configuring tiles - General Type and Action Type example
    • End users customising a launchpad tile layout
    • Disabling Customisations & setting customisations for individual devices
    • Download the eLearning example from the Marketplace
    • Exercise: Re-organising tile groups from one group to two sub groups, and moving tiles between tabs
    • Launchpad Layouts
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 4
    Data Management Fundamentals: Tables
    • Introduction
    • Table Definition and Browser
    • Understanding Data Types
    • Default Database Configuration
    • Exercise: Create your own table based on this example specification and add data
    • Understanding Data Concepts (Objects, Arrays, JSON)
    • Null vs False
    • Including Table Data when deploying
    • Table Browser - Form Viewer
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 5
    Introduction to the different ways to build apps (No-Code vs Low-Code vs Pro-Code)
    • Summary of progress so far
    • Understanding the No-Code, Low-Code and Pro-Code concept
    • Next up
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 6
    Creating Your First App: App Builder 
    • App Builder Introduction
    • Building the Functional Foundation
    • Integrating data and Wizard development
    • Buttons and Events
    • Sharing Options
    • Using Advanced Mode in App Builder
    • App Settings, moving from Sandbox to Account
    • Exporting the App to a file, to import into the App Designer
    • Achievements
    • Explore, then download
    • Deeper understanding of the Layouts and responsive design principle (wrap)
    • Headers and Footers (Bar & Bar Content)
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 7
    (Table) Connectors
    • Connectors and Tables
    • Exercise: Generate a connector
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 8
    Adaptive Designer (and Rules Engine) Introduction
    • Foreword
    • Promotional overview video
    • Introduction Presentation
    • Adaptive Framework Setup - Download the Adaptive Framwork Applications from the Marketplace
    • Template Guide
    • 1. List App with Multiselect filter and Date Formatting
    • 2. Edit App
    • 3. Combining List and Edit apps Create Delete Export Import and Rules Engine
    • Changing one of the inputs to a Date Picker
    • 4. Build and Adaptive Tile Chart and add it to the Launchpad
    • Download the Example HR Launchpad
    • 5. Launchpad Sidepanel and Dynamic Title
    • Changing one of the inputs to a Lookup
    • Try out the Adaptive Framework in the DXP Demo system!
    • Install the CRM Sales Operation Portal demo from the Marketplace
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 9
    App Designer Pt.1 Introduction
    • Basics of the App Designer
    • Find download and install the Sample Applications
    • Building your first new app with common components & using navigation events
    • Exercise: Clear the form on submit
    • Selecting the correct components from the Component Library
    • Layout components
    • Responsive Design Principles
    • Layout revsion
    • Sample Applications - Simple Form
    • Sample Applications - Inputs
    • Sample Applications - datePickers, comboBox, segmentedButtons, radioButton
    • Sample Applications - panels, popovers, messagePopover, genericTiles
    • Sample Applications - Message Box
    • Sample Applications - Dialogs
    • Adding Bars and barContents to an application & Add basic component to the barContents
    • Inspecting the Developer Console (f12)
    • Minify source code related error
    • Message Toast - Inform end users
    • Writing good error messages
    • Searching within the App Designer
    • App Builder Import to App Designer
    • JavaScript Introduction
    • Programatically interacting with components
    • How to perform good data validation
    • Understanding the different application types
    • Fiori Design Guidelines
    • Autogenerated Versions
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 10
    Naia Introduction
    • What/Who is Naia?
    • Naia Blog
    • Disclaimer
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 11
    API Designer Introduction
    • What are APIs?
    • API Designer Introduction - Configuring APIs, understanding operations and definitions & generating a Table API
    • Swapping of /PUT and /POST methods
    • API Testing - Using the platform tools (API Client and Swagger UI)
    • Configure an external API
    • Comparing a Table and External API URL
    • API Inspecting - Using the developer tools
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 12
    App Designer Pt.2 Integrate and validate data
    • Introduction to Pt2
    • API Integration - Displaying table data via API using the Wizard
    • Creating and displaying data in a form using the Wizard and Binding context
    • API Definitions integration with the App Designer
    • Highlight the full binding data flow
    • Revision: APIs in the Application - Inspecting the network data
    • Highlighting a common mistake: Understanding the underlying data format of your response Object vs Array response
    • API Ajax response events
    • Models and Bindings
    • Different ListItem Varients
    • Editing, updating and saving data via a Form & API
    • Connectors in the App Designer
    • Top Tip: Looping through a form
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 13
    Script Editor Introduction
    • Introduction to the Script Editor, and JavaScript
    • Server Scripts Setup
    • Server Scripts Resources
    • "Advanced" table functions TypeORM integration
    • "Basic" Internal Table Functions
    • Script Logging to the System Logs
    • Use cases for Server Scripts
    • Find, Search and Replace
    • Global Search
    • Right Click context menu
    • Naia
    • Exercise: A look at a example scripts
    • Understanding the 'result' variable
    • Script Editor - Understanding erorrs and using Naia to fix them
    • What are Node Package Modules (NPM)? How do they relate to Server Scripts?
    • Configure NPM (+ Custom Setting Path)
    • NPM module integration example
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 14
    User, Group and Role Security Setup
    • Foundation User, Security and Role knowledge
    • Exercise: Roles within the Launchpad (Tiles and Tile Groups)
    • Diagram - User, Group, Role relationship
    • Roles within Applications
    • Authentication and authorization
    • 23.10.3+ User tool update
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 15
    Media Library
    • Adding an image to the media library as a subfolder
    • Referencing media library files within applications
    • Use case knowledge for the Media Library
    • Upload to media library building block
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 16
    Other Cockpit, Platform and ecosystem information
    • Reviewing the change logs / release notes
    • Mobile Build Service overview
    • Monitoring, Logging and more
    • Jobs
    • Locks
    • System Settings - Configuration
    • App Editor - Awareness
    • Code Snippets - Create your own & Download from the Marketplace
    • OData knowledge
    • Understanding the "Hard Reload" Functionality
    • End of chapter - Quiz
  • 17
    End of course badge
    • Badge