Open Edition Developer Training - Advanced - 2024 (V22 & V23)
1. Advanced Mode
2. Creating your own Templates and Building Blocks
3. Sharing a live preview of your app
4. Feedback functionality (For your apps, and for the App Builder)
5. Heatmaps functionality
6. Additional Layout Examples
7. App Builder Webshop Example
8. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Foreword
2. Introduction
3. Status formatting and Lookups
4. System Variables Sorting and Grouping
5. Employee Edit App - Attachments and Load Adaptive app in a Tab
6. Chart styling
7. Creating and using Variants
8. Adaptive Business Intelligence (BI)
9. Splitter Template
10. Open Adaptive App from another Adaptive App
11. Full example - CRM Sales Operation Portal
12. Flow Diagram
13. End of chapter - Quiz
1. UI5 Framework Knowledge - Key and Value example
2. Exercise: Creating a Search functionality (Live Change event)
3. Filter functionalities on a SingleSelect Button (similar to Search)
4. Debugging using the Developer Tools - Breakpoints
5. Formatters - Shape the data in your components
6. Layout Boxes – Revision
7. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Compliance
8. Marketplace Example - Barcode scanning - Quagga
9. Marketplace Example - Signature Pad
10. Marketplace Example - Mapping
11. Marketplace Example - Upload to Media Library
12. Custom Code snippets & installing code snippets from the Marketplace
13. Using the programatic MessageBox Confirmation Dialog
14. Comparing the Application structure with the generated HTML structure
15. Explaining sap.n
16. LocalViewID explainer - Apps running in a Launchpad
17. Nested data response to enable drop down in a table
18. Code snippets overview & onInit event
19. Translation - App Designer
20. Calc() function in component properties
21. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Custom expression bindings
2. Generic Data Model bindings & importing definitions to models
3. XHR - Handling API success and error responses within Ajax Events
4. Working With Nested Data - Model Source vs Model Path (Comparing Generic Arrray to Model Path)
5. Considerations of manual data handling client side
6. Populate a select input, based on another select input (conditional data)
7. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Introduction
2. Learn how to configure Highcharts by example
3. Naia Highchart generation
4. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Launchpad Vs Application Script Headers
2. Explaining the capabilities of Storing scripts in the Media Library
3. Launchpad login options
4. Launchpad login vs Cockpit login
5. Single app Launchpad
6. Other Launchpad customisations - Enhancements
7. Launchpad translations - Translation tool
8. Launchpad deployment options - Launchpad as a PWA or a Mobile Client
9. Launchpad PWA and mobile client explainer video (11 minutes)
10. Launchpad PWA web authentication (FaceID, Fingerprint capbility)
11. Install PWA on iOS and Android
12. PWA Install on Desktop
13. Launchpad Chatbot integration
14. Best practice: Tile navigation using the URL (semantic objects and actions)
15. End of chapter - Quiz
1. StyleClass - App Designer
2. Advanced Styling Applications, Tiles and Launchpads – Finding styleClasses with the inspector tool
3. Advanced CSS Selector knowledge
4. Advanced Styling Applications, Tiles and Launchpads – Theme Designer
5. SASS - Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
6. Theme Import (tool)
7. UI5 Button Styling Tip - "Unstyled"
8. Other CSS top tips - @media & :hover
9. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Introduction
2. Data Modeller Add-On Utilisation
3. Why foreign keys are important
4. How to configure Foreign Keys (with the Data Modeller)
5. Understanding On Delete property - Cascading Actions
6. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Handling communication & Key Words
2. Calling APIs within Server Scripts
3. Global Scripts
4. Internal Functions (P9 functions)
5. Perform advanced queries within a script to manipulate data (Left Join)
6. Operators
7. Folders in the Script Editor
8. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Neptune Email capabilities
2. Email SMTP configuration - Required
3. Creating an Email Template
4. Using external HTML designers
5. Calling an email template from a Server Script (with Attachments, Custom Data and more)
6. Naia
7. Triggering sending from the App Designer
8. SMTP Log
9. 'host' variable available within Email Templates
10. End of chapter - Quiz
1. API vs Connector
2. Script type API 101, APIs to call a Server Script & return data (+ Logging 'req', + Passing parameters & queries)
3. Script type API 101, Email example
4. "In path" API parameters (URL Path) - Part 1
5. "In path" API parameters (URL Path) - Part 2 (to Server Scripts)
6. Exercise - Returning the ID of a newly created entry via /POST method parameter
7. API Headers
8. Authentication - The concept, and the tools available Proxy Authentication
9. Endpoint -> System role configuration
10. API Trace
11. Allow untrusted certificates & Enable Proxy
12. Query functions (Operators) TypeORM - Built in functions to query data within API calls
13. Adding roles in an API
14. Where used within the API Defintion
15. Refining your searches & Show operations
16. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Documentation read through
2. Workflow Tooling Recap
3. Exploring Workflow Definition
4. User Tasks - Exploring Task Actions
5. Script Tasks - wfData - True and False nodes
6. Administrating Workflows - Exploring Workflow Overview
7. The Universal Workflow Inbox
8. 'Inbox Application' property configuration in User Tasks
9. Workflow Attachments (files)
10. Use Case: Best practice for associating large data sets with workflow items
11. Substitutions and rerunning approver determination
12. Worklow Status Codes
13. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Application, Launchpad and Data Security considerations Pt.1
2. Application, Launchpad and Data Security considerations Pt.2
3. Application, Launchpad and Data Security considerations Pt.3
4. Public / Anonmyous Access for Launchpads, Apps and APIs
5. Public access example - Marketplace
6. Table Definition - Enable Audit
7. Server Script - Audit operations
8. Cockpit - Audit Log
9. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Deployment Create, Approve, Transfer, Routes, & Log tools
2. Remote System configuration
3. Deploying between systems with manual export and import of file
4. Explaining the artifact versioning
5. GitHub CI/CD integration - The deployment lifecycle
6. Working with Development Package and Git Pt1. Setup and pushing
7. Working with Development Package and Git Pt2. Merging
8. Generating a GitHub authentication token
9. GitHub - initial setup Error check!
10. Additional deployment knowledge - System specific configurations (NPM)
11. Precautions / Awareness - Deleting artifacts
12. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Read through the comprehensive documentation for this tool
2. Example within the Documentation
3. Look around an example in the PDF Designer
4. Exercise: Generate UI using the Wizard
5. Use of the PDF Designer - App Implementation
6. PDF Archive tool
7. PDF Marketplace Example
8. End of chapter - Quiz
1. Ecosystem - Mobile Build Service
2. Housekeeping
3. System Reports
4. Launchpad Trace
5. App Editor Overview
6. Upgrading the platform version
7. End of chapter - Quiz